About Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted and Requirements for Granting the Permission

Most foreigners in Japan work within the scope allowed by their residence status. However, there is a system called “Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted" that allows you to engage in activities outside your residence status as an exception.

This topic addresses the system of “Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted” and the requirements for granting this permission.

What is the Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted?

This is permission required to earn income from activities not permitted by the residence status for foreigners living in Japan.

That is, the activity of running a business with income or the activity of drawing a salary.

If you engage in activities that are beyond the scope of your residency status, you will be in violation of the permit to engage in activities other than those permitted under the residency status previously granted.

In addition, If your residence permit has expired, it is considered “illegal residence" unless you renew it. The criminal penalty can be imprisonment with or without labor for up to 3 years or a fine of up to 3 million yen.

An example of a case in which permission is required to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the residence status previously granted is when a person with a residence status that does not entitle him or her to work, such as a student visa or a dependent visa, takes up part-time employment.

If an international student takes up part-time employment without permission, this is considered illegal employment.

Permission to take up employment that is not allowed according to the residence status previously granted is divided into " blanket permission " and “permission on a case-by-case basis".

  • Blanket Permission

In a “blanket permission”, the place of work is not specified. However, there is a limit on hours of work, and activities other than those allowed under the previously issued residency status are allowed up to 28 hours per week.

During long vacation periods, such as the summer vacations of international students, it is up to 8 hours per day (about 40 hours in 7 days).

Beyond that, it is not allowed to work in the “Adult Entertainment Business".

  • Permission on a Case-by-Case Basis

In the “permission on a case-by-case basis”, the applicant specifies the location of employment and the job description.

As the name implies, the permission is issued on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, if you wish to change your part-time employment, you must apply for a permission for a different job than the one allowed under the residency status you were previously granted.

It is required for international students who want to do an internship of more than 28 hours per week and for people on a cultural activities visa who want to work part-time.


  • Among the requirements for permission is required to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the residence status previously granted is that participation in the activities associated with the application does not conflict with the exercise of the activities associated with the current status of residence.
  • The applicant is currently engaged in activities associated with his/her current residency status.
    • Is not engaging in activities that violate laws and regulations
    • Is not engaged in any activity in an adult entertainment establishment, an adult entertainment business with or without a physical store, an adult video entertainment business, or a telephone dating business with or without a physical store.
    • Has no history of bad behavior
    • Has not received a detention order, served a notice, or otherwise informed of a court hearing


Permission to engage in activities other than those permitted under the previously granted residency status refers to activities beyond those permitted under the current residency status and refers to permission required solely for the purpose of earning income.

It is divided into “blanket permission" and “`permission on a case-by-case basis" and is subject to the above requirements.