Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals System and Application for Permanent Residence

Some foreigners on work visas aim to become “highly skilled professionals". However, many of them do not understand the mechanism of highly skilled professionals and want to know what are the advantages of highly skilled professionals. This article is about the system and classification of highly skilled professionals and how highly skilled professionals can apply for permanent residence.

What are Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals?

The term highly skilled foreign professionals refers to outstanding foreign workers who possess specialized knowledge and skills and are recognized as contributing to economic development.

If you achieve a certain number of points, you will be granted “Highly Skilled Foreign Professional" residency status.

According to the Cabinet Office, highly skilled professionals are defined as follows.
“Highly skilled workers who can complement, rather than replace, domestic capital and labor" and “workers who are expected not only to bring innovation to Japanese industry, but also to promote labor market development and improve the efficiency of Japan’s labor market.”

Quoted from: Official Residence of the Prime Minister “Full Development of Highly Skilled Foreign Workers Admission Policy (Report) May 29, 2009 Council for Promoting the Admission of Highly Skilled Workers"

In other words: If you reach a certain number of points based on “educational background," “work history," “annual income," “age", “other bonuses", etc., you can obtain a “highly skilled professional" visa.

Highly Qualified Professional Classification

Highly skilled professionals are divided into “Highly Skilled Professional (i) (a)", “Highly Skilled Professional (i) (b)"," “Highly Skilled Professional (i) (c)", and “Highly Skilled Professional (ii)"

  • Highly skilled professionals (i) (a)

Refers to research, research consulting, or training conducted under a contract with a public or private institution in Japan.
This includes college professors and researchers.

  • Highly skilled professionals (i) (b)

Refers to activities requiring knowledge or skills in the natural sciences or humanities, based on contracts with public and private entities in Japan.

This applies to researchers in sociology, etc.

  • Highly skilled professional (i) (c)

Refers to positions in management or administration of enterprises in public or private institutions in Japan. This applies to corporate managers, etc.

  • Highly Skilled Professional (ii)

Foreign nationals who have lived in Japan for at least three years after obtaining the status of highly skilled professional (i), and who are distinguished by good conduct and recognized as being in the interest of Japan, shall be recognized as foreign nationals.

Application for permanent residence as a highly qualified foreign professional

Generally, 10 years or more of residence is required to obtain a permanent resident visa.

However, if your score 3 years ago and current score is 70 points or more, or if your score 1 year ago and current score is 80 points or more, you may apply for a permanent resident visa.


The highly skilled category refers to outstanding foreign workers who have specialized knowledge and skills and are recognized as contributing to economic development.

With a certain score as described above, there is a high probability that you can obtain a permanent residence visa.

For the application, you need to prepare many documents, as for a normal permanent residence visa.

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