Application for issuance and loss of certificate of eligibility

It is not uncommon for a Certificate of Eligibility not to be issued or to be lost. However, can you apply for a new Certificate of Eligibility and what exactly happens if you lose your Certificate of Eligibility? This topic explains the Certificate of Eligibility system, the process for applying for a Certificate of Eligibility, and what happens if the Certificate of Eligibility is lost.

What is a Certificate of Eligibility anyway?

It is a document issued to foreign nationals who are expected to qualify for residency status. It is applied for before the foreigner enters Japan.

It is not an official residence status, but proof that you meet the requirements for residence status.

The Certificate of Eligibility is issued by the Ministry of Justice.

Certificate of Eligibility/Application Procedure

  • Preparation of required documents

Numerous documents are required to apply for a Certificate of Eligibility.

For Work Visa, Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services Visa

  • Application for a Certificate of Eligibility
  • Photo of the applicant (4 x 3 cm)
  • Self-addressed envelope (with stamps)
  • Recruitment/invitation letter with job description
  • Resume of the applicant
  • Certificate of graduation from high school (diploma)
  • Documents proving the professional career of the applicant
  • Employment contract with the company
  • Documents that clarify the employer’s profile (excerpt from the commercial register, brochure, etc.)
  • Apply to the local immigration office

Apply at the immigration office of the place where you plan to stay or the place of the host institution.

  • The certificate will be sent to you

If the Certificate of Eligibility is approved, the applicant or applicant’s representative will be notified by mail. (except for short-term stays).

  • The review period is usually 1 to 3 months.

After that, the applicant applies for a visa at the diplomatic mission of Japan abroad responsible for the applicant’s country of residence.

They must enter Japan within 3 months after the visa is issued.
If the certificate is not issued, there is no way to appeal.

If you have lost your certificate of eligibility

If you lose your Certificate of Eligibility or it has expired, it usually cannot be reissued.

You must reapply for the same Certificate of Eligibility.

In other words, it is a new application, not a reissue.

As for the documents, you can submit the “Application Form" to the Immigration Office and get the necessary documents used in the previous examination.

However, this will not affect the examination, which will be conducted from scratch.


A certificate of eligibility is a document recognized by foreign nationals who are expected to qualify for resident status.

If you lose your Certificate of Eligibility or it has expired, it generally cannot be reissued.

You must apply for a new certificate of eligibility. In other words, it is a reapplication, not a reissuance.

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